
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


It has been particularly hot lately. Up and down the east coast people seemed to be complaining about the heat. My family went to the Orioles game Saturday night and my sisters and I decided we could use our seats as slip and slides from all of the sweat. Sexy I know. Today I went to work in a torrential downpour but the temperature definitely cooled. It has been raining off and on all day with the sun stuck behind the clouds. We had a break from the sun, but unfortunately I felt like my first thought was to whine about the rain.

Too often we get caught up in the "grass is greener on the other side" mentality. It could be weather or jobs or relationships or any number of things, but I would like to spend more time making the most out of the current situation rather than begging for a new one only to find out it's worse.

"The grass is greener where you water it." 

There are obviously situations that are dangerous or completely unhealthy that I'm not sure watering would help, but drown the grass. However, I know there have been plenty of times in my life in which I ran away from people and/or circumstances that I think just needed water. When I came back to Fayetteville I made myself promise to stay at least three years in an attempt to see something through without running away. Now that I have been back four years, this is the longest I have been in one place since I left my hometown 10 years ago. The last four years have been full of ups and downs... some days more than what I could have hoped for while others have left me crying out for anywhere but here. I'm praying today that I can keep watering...

And... a funny video from Beckah Shae to get you through the week...

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