
Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I don't mean yesterday as in Monday... but yesterday like any day before today. Sometimes things happen that we can't control. Or maybe we could have controlled the intial action, but we can't control the consequences. We can control our response to all of it... or at least I think we can work towards it.

I don't always make the best decisions. I am extremely sensitive and sometimes I allow a person's words, actions or presumed thoughts to take hold. We always tell people that you shouldn't care what people think. Usually, I agree. I shouldn't care what those girls are saying about something they only saw and don't even know me. I shouldn't care about someone who has made some false assumptions about me or the people who only have their own best interest in mind. I do care about what my family thinks... what my friends think... what those people think that know me and are going to hold me accountable for my actions.

I can't change what happened three years ago... I can't change how I responded to something in the past and I especially can't change how someone else responded to something... I can listen and move on. I don't want to be disrespected or rolled over, but I also hope that I can take the good with the bad and use it for the next yesterday.

Monday, April 17, 2006

sherri coale

I never really had any interest in Oklahoma basketball until Stacey Dales-Schuman took the team to the championship game in 2002. The OU coach, Sherri Coale, started doing diaries on during that season... sometimes she writes more often than others, but it usually keeps me thinking. This year her team lost to Stanford in the sweet 16. Very few teams ever end a season on a win, but no matter how much company you have, ending on a loss is never easy. Some highlights from today's diary...

"Hemingway once said that 'Life is filled with sobs, sniffles, and smiles -- with sniffles predominating.' I believe him in my bones but this business balks. I love the way participation in athletics forces one to disdain mediocrity. I love the push the rush I even in a twisted sort of 'never-want-to-be-there-again' way, love the bottom so made of solid rock. I would even go so far as to say that I feel blessed to be a part of a profession that lives in such extremes. But I don't think mediocrity is the stuff of which Hemingway spoke. Even if it is, that is not his point."

"Hemingway was right. Rare are the times we climb the ladder, cut the nets and dance the night away. We did that twice this year -- lucky, lucky are we. And rarer, still, is the devastation we feel when the ball goes square and the wings of destiny flap over someone else's jerseys. That happened last Saturday [a 88-74 loss to Stanford on March 25]. Most of our year was somewhere in the middle of those two emotional explosions. That was his point. Life is what happens to you while you aren't looking. So keep your eyes open, Ernest urges. Don't miss it. That's what I want my kids -- and my staff -- to know. Enjoy the days. Replay the stuff. Wallow in the wins we walked to as well as the wins we wrestled for. And don't let one set of 40 minutes define a year. You become in the middle. And at the end of all your days, the middle better be worth remembering or you won't have much."

Coale Diary -

She goes on to talk about the impact the seniors made on the team and how the players are moving on from this past season. It takes me back to when I was competing and that period of mourning that always followed the conference tournament. It never seemed like we fulfilled our potential. In some ways, that's comforting because at least you know you could be better, even if it wasn't until next year... but after your last game of your last season... there is no next year. Losing sucks... but it pays to appreciate the experience regardless of the result. One game should not define a year... or a career.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

be not afraid

"Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."

- Henry James

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

operation weddings complete

I started this blog yesterday and ran out of intelligent things to say... I can't promise that this will be any better, but I'm feeling babble-ful...

Michelle and Dewey got married Saturday... it was my third wedding in six months, so there was some relief that I get a break... but it was definitely a lot of fun. It's been awhile since all of the girls had been able to get together, so we had fun catching up. There were people there that I hadn't seen since graduation and others I hadn't seen since elementary or middle school.

I think it's safe to say that kindergarten through our senior year, I was probably regarded as the hyper, occasionally obnoxious kid. I was always trying to do whatever people thought I would be too embarassed to do whether it was spending a day under my desk barking, wearing a flag as a cape, or just trying to be as loud as possible. I'm sure there are plenty of theories out there about why I did it all... some it was probably to get attention or get a laugh out of people, some of it was probably to try to pretend I didn't care what people thought about me, some of it was to try to keep from being boxed into the jock or the goody goody. Either way... I was weird! :)

I did some of the same junk in college, but I think (or at least I hope) I've grown up a bit in the last six years. I try to sit back more and listen and read a group better before I jump into song and dance. "Drama" has become more about finding a job and paying the bills compared to the "big" stuff we used to stress about like Johnny dumped me after 3 days to go out with Suzy or Lizzy won't stop talking about me. However... sometimes its fun to regress to the good ol' days and let go of the expectations of being an adult. It was such a relief to spend an afternoon/night with some great friends from high school to remind me of who I was... and who I am. I still can't dance and I definitely still can't sing... but they still put up with me! I'm thinking about having a fake wedding like we used to do in elementary school just to have an excuse to get everyone together again. I'll be registered at American Eagle and Best Buy!

Monday, April 3, 2006


I am going to try to limit as much of the cheese ball factor as possible, but I had to give some props to skype. Prior to yesterday I had heard bits and pieces of headlines about skype and internet communication but didn't really know what it was, or why I would need it. But then... I downloaded it...

Almost four years ago I went to Orlando for a weekend to meet Michelle Akers. Well that was the original intention, but I ended up learning a ton and meeting a bunch of good people. I kept in touch with a few after the big shindig.... but it can be difficult to maintain a friendship that's based off of a weekend years ago. However... somehow Ciara and I managed to be pretty good e-mail buddies while I lived vicariously through her multi-country living as we rehashed soccer, failed or unattempted relationships and navigating the "real world". Instant messenger was added to the mix in the last year but trying to connect time zones can be difficult when she's in canada or denmark. Basically, I've been keeping up with this chick for almost four years but haven't seen or "talked" to her since Orlando... until skype came to the rescue.

Skype allows you to make "phone calls" through your computer... free... or you can call from your computer to a phone cheap... I guess cell phones have limited the long distance calls we pay for because we stick to free nights and weekends or the "in" network... but I might be skype's newest fan if nothing else but for cheap international calls with friends met randomly four years ago. Do you think I could get an endorsement deal?