
Monday, June 29, 2009

summer update

I think myspace is losing more and more users every day. People were already flocking to facebook and now twitter is trying to catch on too. There are some of us that are still trying to balance myspace, facebook and twitter but I just don't think you can do all three well. I'm trying to hang on to myspace merely for the blog but at this point I think I'd have the same readership if I just "blogged" in my journal.

This summer has had its ups and downs. The downs really had me down and lately my tactic is just to pretend the downs don't exist. I'm not very good at it. During the school year I run around like crazy with this ridiculous schedule and summer comes around and I have all this free time... free time to think too much.

Thankfully, my sister got married a little more than a week ago and I was able to escape Fayetteville and surround myself with my family and friends. As the weekend went on I think it just kept getting better. The rehearsal dinner was good, everyone cried through the wedding and then we let it all go during the reception. Now my little sister is married... still a little crazy to think about but I'm soo happy for both Kelsie and Barton. I got little sleep while I was in Maryland... spent my first father's day with my dad in a few years and then had to make my way back to Fayetteville.

Summer becomes a balance. My personality typically likes to always be doing something but then I crave time to relax whether it be by myself or with a close friend or two. I'm trying to balance the free time I'm blessed with during summer with a social life. Many of my friends don't live in Fayetteville... most don't even live in NC... I'm grateful for visitors and thrilled about the chance for vacations like Riley Fest with my second family at the Outer Banks this week. There's a part of me that feels like I just got back and another part of me that is just itching to get out of here.

Enough rambling... I want to be grateful for summer and thankful for the ups regardless of the downs. Here goes nothing...