
Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Today I turned 26. I think most people stop making a big deal out of their birthdays around 21 (of course I guess some stop at 7 and then pick up again for 16, 18 and 21) so please pardon my enthusiasm about 26. I typically spend my birthday in different places other than home beginning with celebrating at summer camps while I was growing up. After college I was all over... In 2003 I was trying to make it at my first real job in Cary... In 2004 I was actually home on the shore for a little while... In 2005 I was taking my comps aka final exam in Tennessee... In 2006 I was in New Mexico... In 2007 I was hanging out with the family in Fayettenam. Today I went to work but tried to make the most of my annual holiday.

It shouldn't really be that big of a deal but I look forward to hearing from my friends and family. The one day a year when I can be a tad bit selfish and expect a call. I secretly (or not so secretly anymore for all of you that stalk my blog) test everyone's memory to see who remembers my birthday. When myspace and facebook arrived I felt like it gave everyone a cheat sheet and for the past couple of years I took my birthday down the week before to see who actually remembered but I opted to leave it up this year. Last year there were four well wishes and today there were 45. Evidently facebook is a good reminder.

Regardless I'm grateful to all of my friends and family. I received a ton of gifts today that I did not deserve nor expect. I had some help staying up til 1:03 am to ring in my actual birth in style... ok not really that exciting but I appreciated the company. I finally have my fire pit that I've been wanting since I bought my house and had a special delivery to the office to brighten up a normally blase afternoon. I wish I could combine the four different versions of "happy birthday" that I heard... someone could make a lot of money off of that mix. I've lost track of the birthday e-mails, texts and phone calls. Who knew that many people cared when I turned 26.

I hope I can soak in every moment... sometimes when you've been doing something awhile it is easy to become complacent. I don't want to take life for granted... I am blessed and extremely thankful.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

august ahead...

I made the mistake of typing an entire blog within myspace before attempting to post and running into a myspace error. Don't worry, it's been forwarded to their technical group, but I have a feeling the technical group is in no hurry to rescue my ramblings. Good thing I felt strongly enough to remember most of it... :)

I typically measure time based on the schedule of my job and the vacations that come with it... occasionally. I know that summer ends August 10th when football players report and I know that Christmas break begins December 15th after the last basketball game of 2008 and I am back to work January 3rd when basketball begins again (although I do have a break from home games from Dec. 2 - Jan. 11). I also know summer begins when the last student-athlete competes at their NCAA competition in late May.

Some times I get caught up in the stress and demands of sports information, but last week I was able to recharge the batteries a bit at our nerd convention (aka SID convention). I met some new people... hung out with some people I already knew and even learned a few things in between. I can look ahead towards the new school year and say I'm excited to meet the new student-athletes and reunite with the returners. I'm excited to unveil the new website and free up some time. I'm excited to implement some new things and just be better at my job... third time's a charm right?!

I'm sure I'll still be stressed and I'll still have some bad days... but I want to be grateful for my career. No one should have hired me based on my lack of experience but I'm thankful for Methodist's ignorance or perhaps Coach Jarman's persuasive persistence. I don't always understand why Fayetteville but I trust God has a plan and I want to keep learning and growing.

I appreciate the people in my life who have supported me through the last two years of SID chaos... whether it was answering a stat-crew question in the middle of a game... taking over PA during a NCAA tournament so I could get a break... listening to me vent about my job even when you didn't have a clue what I was talking about... traveling during holidays to stat games when I didn't have the student help... or just being there... thank you.

I'm going to refuse a final summer countdown and instead choose to soak it all in...