
Sunday, August 1, 2010

to go or stay...

We always have decisions to make... some small... some big... Most of the time we don't even think about it. We make a decision to get out of bed or not to... we make a decision to go to work or not to. I can usually handle those, but lately it seems I've been hearing more about people needing to make big decisions. How do we know what's right? Most of the time we don't want to mess up or we don't want people to judge our decision or occasionally we may say, "screw it" and rebel against what makes sense to everyone but us.

Five years ago I was working a camp after grad school and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I was working the camp to consider a job offer with the organization and then mid-camp my previous employer called needing help. I talked to a couple of the coaches I was working with debating my decision and trying to find "God's will" in all of it. I really wanted to do the "right" thing. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing the difference between the "right thing" being what feels right or being what feels uncomfortable because I need to take a risk and get out of my comfort zone. One of the coaches (unfortunately I can't even remember his name) told me he believed me if I was living my life to glorify God I couldn't make a wrong decision. He would be glorified no matter what I chose as long as I continued to put Him first. I'm sure there are some job opportunities such as working the corner that would make glorifying God hard, but thankfully both of my options were considered ok!

That takes me back to current decision making... I am praying we all pick the "right" one... but even more I pray that we find a peace in the decision and glorify God through it all.

"God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in him." - John Piper 

In honor of my trip to knoxvegas... I bring you one of the best songs ever written...

1 comment:

  1. Rockytop? One of the "greatest songs ever written?" Maybe in Texas.

