
Thursday, November 17, 2011

passive aggressive social media...

I've been pondering this blog for awhile... questioning my intentions... wanting to make sure I'm asking myself the same questions I'm about to ask all social media users..

I am constantly questioning the point of my tweets and facebook posts. I'm sure I'm not innocent in it all, but I guess my hope is my presence online would be an encouragement to someone else. Sometimes that may be through a laugh, but I hope it's not at the expense of someone else. There's a fine line and I want to make sure I'm treading carefully.

My big question tonight is about the passive aggressive posts/tweets... It seems we need an outlet to vent so we turn to social media and post what we think (or maybe hope) are cryptic updates in an effort to create something similar to an inside joke amongst our friends while calling someone else out. Sometimes the wrong person thinks the post was about them and more passive aggressive posting ensues. My suggestions for alternative ways to handle it...

1. pray... I keep trying to go here first but it's definitely not instinctual yet for me. He's the best listener... and a whole lot better than any of our followers/friends.

2. talk to the person you're secretly posting about... Sometimes they're angry thoughts toward a former friend... sometimes it's someone you've never met... sometimes it's a crush or a former flame... the hashtag #oomf for one of my followers is more than awkward to me. I'm really good at tweeting something I want someone in particular to read and wish we were as close as we used to be. But it's silly... if I really miss someone, I should be able to tell them. If I'm mad at someone, I should be able to tell them. If I'm not ready to tell them, I don't think I should be tweeting about it.

3. walk away from technology... A coach once told me after a heated situation with a player he always takes 24 hours to cool off before doling out punishment to ensure the emotion has been taken out of the situation. Would you want to tweet/post that same update 24 hours from now? Sometimes I think we need to just walk away from the smart phone or the iPad or laptop or whatever device we're using to creep and take a break. Go for a run, read your bible, call a friend... anything to put life in perspective.

I still believe in social media. I believe it's a positive thing... we can communicate so much faster... and hopefully better. I just want to practice being a more positive participant.

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived-- this is to have succeeded." - Emerson

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