
Sunday, July 31, 2011

awesome God...

I was on such a roll this summer... blogging more... working on consistency and then July hit and I feel like I can't catch up. I had to share my story of the day though...

I went to church this morning and we went through the first couple of songs and things seemed dare I say... business as usual. One of the youth spoke about her mission trip experience and then Giles invited Jonathan Lazenby up to the front. Jonathan had also served on the trip and Giles has known him. Jonathan began to speak and everyone quickly realized he stuttered. My "fix it" personality wanted to help him get it out faster, easier... anything to ease the tension in the room. Jonathan shared how he wasn't a good talker, but he had something to share about how awesome God is. The band then broke into "Awesome God" and Jonathan led everyone with a flawless voice, belting out how awesome God is.

I've heard of stories like this... people who can't speak clearly but can sing as clear as day. But today... hearing it for myself... I was overcome with how awesome God really is... the tension of Jonathan's difficulty speaking completely erased in a pure song of worship.

Sometimes I think it would be "easier" if we saw miracles every day... of course we would never doubt God then, right? I want my faith to grow in the every day moments even without the big miracles. However, I am completely grateful for the moments when I feel completely consumed by God's love and faithfulness... He is enough.

Here's the video that inspired Jonathan's performance:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this isn't spam. I was searching for a pic of the number 29 and came across your blog. Your faithful stories are amazing and I wanted to just say that I too have a deep belief in God and our purpose here on earth. Thank you for not being afraid to share it with the whole "blogging world" :)
    The congregation I attend has prophets and apostles just like when Jesus walked the earth. If you are ever interested in adding to your growing faith & hearing what they teach you can visit their Special Witnesses message here:

    I hope you have a blessed day!
