
Sunday, September 11, 2011


It was a Tuesday. Somehow I made it through my 8 a.m. class and hurried to one of my favorite spots on campus... the Lion's Den. Not only did "the den" have food, they had couches and tvs that kept us all entertained between classes. Ten years ago today, I walked into the den and immediately knew something was different. I found one of my teammates and friends, Slavin, and knew things were not good. As soon as the second plane hit, we knew it wasn't an accident. Slavin immediately became concerned for what this would mean for her military dad. Another teammate's brother was a student at NYU and she spent the day trying to make sure he was okay. Another teammate's dad was a firefighter on Long Island. Thankfully, everyone I knew located their family. Unfortunately, not everyone around the country was so fortunate. Nearly 3,000 people died that day and our country completely changed. Our college campus was on high alert due to our close proximity to one of the largest military bases in the country. My parents live an hour from DC and at the time, it felt entirely too close. Nothing we knew seemed to be the same. There was fear. There was confusion. There was really a lot of just not knowing.

It's hard to believe it was 10 years ago. Sometimes it feels like yesterday. It has me thinking about how much changes in relatively little time. I can't help but think about the people who were so important to me 10 years ago... Or five years ago? Two years ago? Last year? The people you surround yourself with help give perspective to what you're going through, sometimes at the time... sometimes much later. I'm grateful for my family and friends for supporting me through big events like 9/11 and even the little ones like a break up or a bad day. Some people have come and gone and some are still here... regardless I'm stronger and I'm grateful.

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