
Wednesday, March 8, 2006


Random babble begins... now... We have different kinds of friends... some are probably more like acquaintances and others are probably more like familiy. Some we've known since childhood and the friendship changes over time and others we just met but feel like we've known forever. There are some friends who you only talk to a couple of times a year, maybe less, but every time you do it's like nothing has changed and there are the others where everything seems to have changed in a few short months. We have friends we see every day but don't really "know" them and the others are what keep us going through the week because they know our soul.

My cell phone contacts, my e-mail address book have both grown longer over the years, but that inner circle of trust just grows closer. I know who will be there in the middle of the night when I'm stressing. I know who would drive hours to see me even if it was inconvenient. I know who writes the best e-mails for a good pick-me-up. I know who understands me even when I don't. I also know who would be the first to volunteer to give me a place to stay if I drive through their town. I know who would be the first to rehash high school memories and remember every detail about every embarassing thing I did. I know that with all of my friends I have some connection whether it be a school we went to, a place we worked, a mutual friend or just that perfectly timed meeting that was anything but a coincidence.

Myspace "friends" are weird because it combines all of the above. Some are people we haven't even met. Others are people we never thought we'd hear from again. Sometimes we do the quick catch up and others we add them to our friend bank and don't even plan to talk to other than stalking their page (that picture is hideous... they still talk to her... they're married... they said what on his page...). Some people are ones we are thankful myspace has given us a new place to reconvene and myspace will probably be the only form of communication. Others are friends that we don't need myspace to keep in touch but they add another element to your "space" (basically to comment).

Who knew that we used to be able to communicate without myspace, IM, e-mail or cell phones? How did friendships survive?

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